Friday 15 October 2010

Ways to Prevent Pregnancy Stretch Marks

To many people, it is always obvious that when pregnant, a woman must develop stretch marks. This condition may affect a pregnant woman or if it does not, then it occurs after pregnancy. They are one of the health conditions that many people hate to see on their skin. This explains why many people tend to look for every way possible in order to deal with them and to know how to prevent them. According to the health professionals, they are caused by increase in weight and the inability of a woman's body make use of what is leading to that excess weight.

Generally, when one increases in weight, her skin tends to stretch and in turn leads to the stretch marks. When one is pregnant, her body cannot continue to produce enough substances such as collagen which helps in repairing the skin thus this results into them. They are a condition that can affect any human being be it a man or a woman and today there are several remedies that one can use in order to cure it, the same can be done when it comes to stretch marks during or after pregnancy. When you realize that you are planning to get pregnant, you should seek to know how to them so as to be on the safe side.

There are several ways that one can consider to prevent them. Some of the ways include taking in the correct meals as prescribed by the doctor during pregnancy. Some foods greatly contribute to weight gain therefore you should avoid taking them in plenty when pregnant in order to prevent them. When taking food, you must always realize that the diet is important because you are taking in food for two. Another important factor that can greatly assist you in preventing pregnancy stretch marks is by keeping your body well hydrated all the time throughout your pregnancy period. This is because enough water in your body will keep it smooth and enable it to be more elastic thus; it will stand the stretching of the skin without forming those marks..

Another important thing that many women ignore during pregnancy is exercise not knowing that it is a very important even during pregnancy as it enables your skin to become flexible and also enables your muscle to stay toned all the time thus, it can not allow for the formation of marks. Also in order to prevent them during pregnancy, you should go for frequent massages on various parts of your body for example, on your breasts, arms, abdomen and legs among others. This massage should be done with a suitable stretch mark cream in order to prevent the them.

Do not bother yourself by doubting whether you can prevent stretch marks or not because this an easy task that anybody can do without any strain.

Find out more about How to Prevent pregnancy stretch marks by visiting this website about ==> Stretch Mark Treatment.

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Tuesday 7 September 2010

Pregnancy & Labor - Pain Control With a TENS Machine

Ever heard of a TENS machine? "TENS" is an abbreviation for "transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation". For those women who are fearful of labor pains, this machine is a godsend. Used just before the birth of your baby, this machine can make the difference between very painful and "bearable". This is an excellent tool for mothers who believe in delivering a baby without drug-relief.

What the TENS machine does is it tricks your brain (by stimulating your nervous system) into thinking that your body is experiencing tons of pain, hence your body tries to compensate by releasing endorphins (chemicals that act as your body's natural form of pain relief).

Now, the TENS machine is normally used a couple of hours prior to child birth and you attach to your skin, around the lower spine area. It takes around an hour or so till your body builds up enough endorphins to combat the pain and you can control the intensity of the machine via a hand-held remote control. The intensity comes in the form of electrical impulses that sends signals through your nervous system all the way up to your brain.

There has been no reported side effects of using a TENS machine, and if you're worried that it might affect your baby, don't. The electrical signals do not go deep enough into your skin to reach the baby and it is completely safe.

You can hire a TENS machine from your hospital so get it a few hours before labor and start off with a lower intensity. Some women like to have it running all the way through to the final stages of labor, whilst increasing the impulse intensity each time painful contractions are felt, so as to further increase endorphin levels.

Studies have shown that mothers who have utilized the transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation machine earlier on in the labor don't require the use of anesthesia as the pain is effectively managed.

Hopefully this article has been helpful to you. If you would like to check out other great articles on sports-related injuries by the same author, you may view his latest posture corrective brace report on the shoulder brace website.

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Tuesday 15 June 2010

Learn How to Get Rid of Yeast Infections Naturally and Effectively

So you want to get rid of the infections naturally and effectively right? This is great, the only problem is that there are many people, both men and women, who struggle with this and have absolutely no idea on where to begin.

The great thing is that we can give you some guidance so that you can fight yeast infections naturally and effectively starting today!

First of all let's talk about Yeast infection

Yeast infection already exist through things known as Candida Albicans. The crazy thing about this is the fact that it already exists throughout the body. So yes it is present already - and it requires triggers to set it off.

What sets it off to become a full fledged yeast infection and you get all that crazy stuff happening?

Well it could be a lot of stuff such as too much stress, dieting habits, bad hygiene, pregnancy, and even sex.

That's crazy right? A lot of things can happen, but the great thing is that you can cure this thing naturally and effectively.

We are going to give you something that doesn't so much cure the infection but will help you.

Plain Yogurt - That's right, this can ultimately help you get rid of infection simply for the fact that you'll be able to use this quickly and effectively.

The thing that you want to do in order to ensure that this works though is to use something that doesn't have any sugar or added fruit - you want it to be plain yogurt. You also want to make sure that it say "active culture" on it - this is because yogurt has good bacteria that can fight candida albicans.

I repeat, plain yogurt - this is important, otherwise you'll make the situation worse than even before. Another thing that you want to do when applying is to either eat it or to apply it directly to the area. This can have some great results - but as said before, it's only temporary and can not fix the problem.

Dependable All-Natural Treatments for Yeast Infection are Hard to Find, While Hundreds, Nearly Thousands of Dangerous Drugs for Yeast Infection Easily Accessible. Find out how you can cure yeast infection with Natural Cures under 12 Hours.

For More Information, Visit:

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Friday 21 May 2010

Health Eating Habits and Healthy Pregnancy

Adopting healthy eating habits is very important during pregnancy. Most people have heard the saying, 'you're eating for two now,' and it's a good thing to remember when considering nutrition during pregnancy.

Nutritional programs are available through many fertility clinics and are designed to help women achieve a healthy pregnancy. To start, let's go over some of the foods you should embrace during your pregnancy. Protein is important for cell growth as well as blood production. Good sources of protein include lean meat, poultry, beans, peanut butter and tofu.

Carbohydrates are also important during pregnancy for energy. Breads, cereals, rice, pasta, fruits and vegetables are common sources of carbs. Calcium is very important for muscle contraction, healthy bones and teeth, and nerve function. You can get calcium from dairy products, spinach or certain fish.

To prevent anemia, iron is important during pregnancy. Look to lean red meat and fortified whole grain breads and cereals for iron. You should also get a healthy dose of vitamins A, B6, B12, C and D during pregnancy. These can be found in various fruits, vegetables, meats and dairy products. Folic acid for enzyme functions, and blood and protein production is also important. Dark yellow fruits and vegetables, green leafy vegetables, beans, nuts and peas are good sources of folic acid.

Also be sure to consume fat during your pregnancy. Talk to your doctor to determine how much fat intake is right for you. Sources of fat are numerous, but include meats, whole-milk and other dairy products, vegetable oils, peanut butter, etc. Make sure that you limit your fat intake to less than one third of your daily calorie intake. Some women may be recommended lower or higher intakes and should always consult their doctor for the best results.

As you might expect, there are also certain foods you should avoid to ensure a healthy pregnancy. Soft cheeses such as goat, Brie, blue, feta and Camembert cheese should be avoided, as well as unpasteurized milk and juice. Avoid raw eggs and any foods that contain raw eggs. This includes desserts like mousse and tiramisu. Any processed meats like hot dogs and deli meat should be avoided.

Any raw or undercooked meat, fish or poultry should also be avoided. Any fish that contains a large amount of mercury like tilefish, swordfish, king mackerel or shark should be avoided as well.

Justin regularly practices natural remedies, exercises and eats natural foods. The website Healthy Pregnancy where you can get a FREE consultation on "Improving Your Health Naturally", a complete system for healthy and natural living.

Visit for more information on acupuncture, mind and body workshops and special offers " before they are gone!

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Monday 10 May 2010

Flax Seed - The Natural Laxative

It is all right to take over-the-counter laxatives once in a while, especially if you have been badly constipated for a few days. Relying on laxatives alone to get the bowels moving is not beneficial to your body in the long run. Know that the prolonged conveyance of chemical substances to the gut could seriously disrupt the bacterial flora of the gastrointestinal tract and compromise the bodys immune defenses in the process. What the body needs is a natural laxative that will provide you about three bowel movements a day and of course get you dumping those feces regularly. And to get that done, you will have to feed the body frequently with plant sources rich in dietary fibers, like flax seed.

Flax seedis packed with remarkable health benefits inside and out, making it an ideal dietary supplement. The husk is enriched with insoluble fibers that readily combine with water to soften stool, induce bowel movement, and facilitate the excretion of feces from the colon to prevent constipation. Moreover, dietary fibers instantly provide a full feeling during meals, making flax seed an effective weight loss supplement as well. Grind the seed moderately and your body will surely benefit from a threshold of nutrients you will not find bundled in any other dietary supplement.

Trapped inside the husk isflax seed oil,which happens to be the richest plant resource for the renowned EFAs (essential fatty acids) known as Omega 3 and also the phytochemicals called lignans. Omega 3 EFAs are unsaturated types of fat that sweep the artery walls from an undue formation of HDL, or the bad cholesterol, thus preventing the onset of hypertension, heart disease, and strokes. What a good way to nurture your cardiovascular health! Omega 3 also helps regulate metabolic, digestive, mental, and adrenal functions.

Lignans are naturally occurring chemicals that play a vital role in the prevention of type 2 diabetes, tumor, and cancer cell formation by cushioning the impact of free radicals on bodily cells. Flax seed was not hailed as the health wonder of the 90s for nothing. Completing its nutritional portfolio is an array of vitamins and minerals bound to keep the body agile, fit, and healthy all day long.

Say goodbye to pharmaceutical laxatives for good. Taking milled flax seed regularly beats constipation in no time while nourishing the body with the health benefits of dietary fibers, Omega 3, lignans, and multivitamins. That is nutrition and wellness available in a few servings of flax.

Bruce Maul is a partner in Goldf Flax Seed, Inc. which provides only top quality Flax Seed and Health related products. Learn more about Flax Seed by visiting

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Thursday 6 May 2010

Pregnancy Constipation - Some Causes and Some Solutions

Pregnant women undergo numerous physical, mental and emotional changes and it is so important for women to understand these changes so that moms-to-be can take care of themselves during the gestational period. Remember, that little one growing inside, is counting on you.

One of the most irritating and common complaints heard by many an OB-GYN, is pregnancy constipation. Yes, pooping while pregnant can be a strain. My mother always said, if you could understand the reason why you might be facing a problem, then you would have a better chance at solving it.

So, let's follow my mom's advice and take a few minutes to talk about some of the reasons for constipation in pregnant women.

Constipation in pregnancy is really not a huge surprise. As your gestational period lengthens, your body produces higher levels of the hormone Progesterone and one of the natural side effects is that this pregnancy hormone slows down the digestion of your food which causes your intestinal muscles to relax. Think about the impact of that "slowing down" effect... as the waste moves more slowly through your digestive tract, the stool becomes drier and harder which makes it more difficult for you to actually pass the poop.

Moms-to-be might also experience difficulty with bowel movements because of the actual weight of the baby that is applying pressure to the lower abdomen. Mechanically, this pressure can make it tough to fully empty your bowels.

Sometimes iron tablets or even your prenatal vitamins may contribute to your pregnancy constipation. They both have a well known side effect of constipation and when you are taking them together, well, then let's just say the impact can be double the trouble! When you are with child, you will want to make sure that you drink plenty of water throughout each and every day in order to stay well hydrated.

How can you avoid this challenge?

Pregnant women should also have a diet high in fiber. It is recommended that you take in at least 25 to 30 grams of dietary fiber per day to be effective in finding relief for pregnancy-induced constipation. Fruits, vegetables, breakfast cereals, whole grain breads, prunes and bran are some of these foods which are high in fiber content.

Aside from eating the proper diet, you should exercise on a regular basis since inactivity increases your chances of experiencing bowel trouble. After you've gotten the ok from your doctor, try to exercise a minimum of three times a week, for 30 minutes each time.

You might also talk with your physician about either being able to safely reduce or eliminate your iron supplements. With careful planning and a healthy diet, good nutrition can often meet your special nutritional needs. It is always better to get your nutrition from healthy foods instead of vitamin or mineral supplements.

Pregnancy constipation can be an irritating and aggravating complication but there is hope for resolution. Take care of yourself throughout the gestational period...nine months isn't really all that long...take care of yourself and your baby!

Here's to your healthy delivery!

Are you expecting a visit from the stork? Problems with pooping got you all clogged up? No worries. Pregnancy constipation is a common complaint of mothers-to-be and has been the subject of many conversations in the local OB-GYN office. So, relax, you are not alone! You have options for getting things moving again. Visit to learn more about some of the common causes of pregnancy constipation.

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Pregnancy Constipation - How To Get Rid Of It?

The entire journey of pregnancy until you deliver the baby consists of the surfacing of several symptoms nausea; pregnancy constipation is one of those. Usually constipation refers to irregular bowel movements. This tends to linger through the early stages of pregnancy to the post delivery phase.

What Causes A Painful Constipation During And After Pregnancy?

The causes of constipation before and after delivery are different. Post delivery, the episiotomy or the torn rectal issue that was repaired after delivery, may lead one to experience an agonizing constipation. Women, who have undergone a caesarian delivery, may find themselves afflicted by ileus or the condition in which the bowel movements are deferred for a short period. Pregnancy constipation symptoms are caused by other factors too. Following are the reasons that cause pregnant women to complain about unnerving constipation -

Changed diet habit

Side effects of medicines

Increased stress level

Low intake of fluid

High consumption of dehydrated fluids like caffeine enriched tea, coffee, and alcohol

Insufficient amount of sleep

Some diseases induce constipation like Parkinson's disease, stroke, diabetes, uremia, scleroderma and diseases of GI tract et all.
For relief from pregnancy constipation, consult with your physician. Besides, the medical experts' advice, you can try some measures of your own to stabilize your bowel movement.

Tips To Cure Pregnancy Constipation

To remove pregnancy constipation symptom, take special care and follow tips provided for you in this article. Among all the remedies for constipation problems, exercise has been seen to be a constipation reliever. Avoid heavy exercises, instead expectant mothers could be advised to go for a walk. A light or moderate practice of walking can be effective in the reduction of pregnancy constipation and will lessen the bloating for pregnant women.

The second solution will be adequate consumption of fluids including water as constipation hardly takes place in the presence of sufficient hydration in the body. Some calcium and vitamin supplements, especially composed for pregnant women can be taken to obtain relief from pregnancy constipation. Some women also seek relief through stool softeners. Though these stool softeners are useful to bring relief within a short time, it is not recommended that you make a habit of use of it. You may also use homemade or natural remedies that include lower risks of side effects. You can take homemade remedies during the interval of consuming foods and drinks. Beat constipation with the help of a sensible diet and exercise program.

Pregnancy constipation is an early pregnancy symptom. However, most pregnant women experience constipation during later stages of pregnancy as well. Pregnancy Period offers more information on how to cope with pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, vaginal bleeding and other pregnancy related issues including home pregnancy tests, early pregnancy care, pregnancy supplies such as pregnancy pillows and maternity clothes.

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